(old posts, page 1)

Mulled Wine Sorbet
2019-05-09 15:01

Works well whether you mull your own wine or buy pre-bottled. Generally tastes better if you do it yourself though! Either way, it goes really well with mince pies

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Brandy Butter
2019-05-09 14:59

Obviously perfect with Christmas pudding, but goes really well with chocolate cake too!

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Greek Walnut Cake
2019-05-09 14:56

Based on a recipe I used when I was younger, I've made a few variations of this but not had the forethought to write most of them down. Does work reasonably well with pears used in place of apples though

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2019-05-09 14:54

Everyone loves fudge, but despite being really easy to make, we all seem to buy it. You can add flavourings other than vanilla if you want but may need to adjust the measurements to ensure it'll set - Southern Comfort fudge is gorgeous...

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Triple Heart Bypass
2019-05-09 14:49

Not exactly healthy, but very, very tasty. Well deserving of it's name though, so try not to eat too many. The optional addition of dairylea was the happy result of running out of Margarine late one night. It sounds weird, but give it a try!

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Spicy Cheese and Bacon Sandwich
2019-05-09 14:47

A quick and easy twist on the classic bacon sandwich

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Spicy Fried Egg Sarnie
2019-05-09 14:44

I'm a fan of fried food in sandwiches, but sometimes a little adjustment can make a classic all the better. You can create a tamer variation by replacing the chilli with basil, but I like my food hot. For a real flameball add some Tabasco sauce as well

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Battered Mars Bar
2019-05-09 14:42

Keep the Mars bar in the fridge for at least 4 hours before cooking, otherwise the batter doesn't stick properly and cleaning melted mars bar out of a deep-fat fryer is not fun!

The variations on this recipe are endless, I've successfully managed the following * Creme Egg (watch the centre when you bite into it - HOT) * Bounty * Milky Way * Curly Wurly * Fudge Bar (not great to be honest)

With a big enough fryer you can even batter a small pizza

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Cheese Dreams
2019-05-09 14:39

I first came across these as a teenager, and have been eating them ever since. It's got the perfect mix of melted cheese, bread and grease

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Grilled Pears
2019-05-09 14:37

This works best with pears that were crunchy to start with

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