Battered Mars Bar

2019-05-09 14:42

Keep the Mars bar in the fridge for at least 4 hours before cooking, otherwise the batter doesn't stick properly and cleaning melted mars bar out of a deep-fat fryer is not fun!

The variations on this recipe are endless, I've successfully managed the following * Creme Egg (watch the centre when you bite into it - HOT) * Bounty * Milky Way * Curly Wurly * Fudge Bar (not great to be honest)

With a big enough fryer you can even batter a small pizza

Cooking Time

Prep Cooking Total
5 mins 5 mins 10 mins


  • 1 Mars Bar
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1/2 cup cornflour
  • 1 pinch baking soda
  • Beer (you can use milk instead)


  1. Mix the flour with cornflour and baking soda
  2. Add the beer until you get a batter about the thickness of single cream
  3. Heat the oil to 180c (should brown a small piece of bread in a few seconds, if the oil's smoking it's too hot!)
  4. Unwrap the Mars bar and put into batter
  5. Roll the Mars bar until it's thoroughly coated with batter (as thick a coat as you can manage)
  6. Carefully lower into the fryer and fry until golden brown
  7. Serve immediately