Triple Heart Bypass

2019-05-09 14:49

Not exactly healthy, but very, very tasty. Well deserving of it's name though, so try not to eat too many. The optional addition of dairylea was the happy result of running out of Margarine late one night. It sounds weird, but give it a try!

Cooking Time

Prep Cooking Total
2 mins 10 mins 12 mins


  • 2 Rashers Bacon
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Sausages
  • 3 Slices Bread
  • Dairylea (Optional)
  • Butter/Margarine (Optional)
  • Ketchup/Brown Sauce (Optional)


  1. Set aside one slice of bread for later.
  2. Spread one side of the remaining two slices with butter/dairylea/ketchup/brown sauce (skip this step if you're not using any of these)
  3. Fry the Bacon, Sausage and Eggs until cooked
  4. Remove the sausages and cut longitudinally (giving two long halves per sausage)
  5. Place one sausage on each of the two prepared slices
  6. Place an egg on top of each sausage
  7. Place a rasher of bacon on top of each egg
  8. Fry the remaining slice of bread until crispy
  9. Place the bread on top of one slice, and then place the other half of the sandwich on top of that to give a double-decker sandwich
  10. Press down to squash the sandwich a little
  11. Cut the sandwich in two
  12. Serve immediately