Posts about sauce

Posts about sauce

Steak and Onion with Salt and Pepper Potato Wedges
2021-01-07 09:38

The local CO-OP sometimes has steak reduced - not necessarily brilliant cuts, but certainly good enough.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I love Peppercorn Sauce so serve up with the food absolutely drowning in it - you can of course use a little less if you like.

Done correctly, the wedges will come out juicy with a nice pepper tang to them

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Cheese Steak Sandwich
2020-10-16 08:28

Thanks to the Fresh Prince, everyone's heard of a Philly Cheese-Steak, but you can't get those outside of Philadelphia, so this recipe doesn't claim to be one. What it is, is a tasty steak, onion and cheese sauce sandwich.

There are multiple variations you make, even down to how thickly you slice the steak pieces, either way, the cheese sauce can get quite messy if you put enough on (and you want there to be enough).

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Pasta Sauce
2020-10-14 08:06

A simple sauce to go with pasta, can be made using puree or tinned tomatotes (tinned is better).

If you want to add some spice you can mix in dried chilli flakes and/or chopped chilli, whereas if you want to turn it into more of a meatball sauce, you can mix in some grated mozzarella

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Lemon Sauce for Chicken
2020-01-29 17:10

I'm not entirely sure where this recipe originally came from, I found it scrawled down whilst I was sorting out some paperwork - I suspect it's probably based on a recipe in a book somewhere. It makes a Lemon sauce best served on a light meat - like Chicken.

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Chicken and Bacon in a Mustard and Cider Sauce
2019-09-12 12:21

This is a fairly lazy meal, particularly if you want to cheat any buy pre-made mustard and cider sauce. Lazy, but tastes good.

You can make it a little healthier by substituting the cream out for something with less fat, though I personally wouldn't skip the lardons as they may be the only reason this is so tasty

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Lemongrass and Coconut Paste
2019-05-22 13:08

This recipe will make a Lemon grass and coconut paste for use in stir-frys etc. If you want to instead make a sauce, follow the steps below, and then add it to 1 can of boiling coconut milk, stir until it's well mixed and then strain off any solids before pouring over your meal.

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Chops and Veg in Peppercorn Sauce
2019-05-17 07:52

I like this recipe because it's relatively low effort - I can do a little bit at the beginning, and then wander off and rest for a while once things have gone in the oven

The recipe uses packet Peppercorn Sauce to keep the effort low, but you can also make your own peppercorn sauce.

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Peppercorn Sauce
2019-05-17 07:41

I love peppercorn sauce, and will eat it on pretty much anything.

It's actually quite quick and simple to make from scratch too, and tastes a lot better than packet stuff

To make this recipe lighter, instead of using cream you can use a small amount of water instead to adjust the consistency

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Chocolate Orange Sauce
2019-05-09 15:18

This thick choclatey sauce can be reheated in the microwave, but doesn't keep very well so should be eaten within a few days. When cool it's quite thick, so generally you want to warm it before eating!

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Brandy Butter
2019-05-09 14:59

Obviously perfect with Christmas pudding, but goes really well with chocolate cake too!

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