Chocolate Orange Sauce

2019-05-09 15:18

This thick choclatey sauce can be reheated in the microwave, but doesn't keep very well so should be eaten within a few days. When cool it's quite thick, so generally you want to warm it before eating!

Cooking Time

Prep Cooking Total
15 mins mins 15 mins


  • 1 Terrys Chocolate Orange (Also works well if you use 1 500g bar of Galaxy Caramel instead)
  • 4 Scoops Vanilla Ice-Cream
  • 150g Butter


  1. Break up the Terrys Chocolate Orange and place in a saucepan
  2. Add the butter and place over a gentle heat
  3. Stir until a thick chocolatey paste (free of lumps) has been formed
  4. Stir in the Ice-Cream and continue heating until fluid and at the desired temperature
  5. Pour into a bowl