Posts about snacks

Posts about snacks

Butterscotch and gingerbread biscuits
2021-07-14 12:59

This recipe makes gingerbread biscuits with a subtle mix of flavours.

The gingerbread is rolled a little thicker so that you get a nice crumbly inside - if you want thin and crunchy then when rolling out aim for about 0.5cm thickness.

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Steak Sandwich
2021-05-20 15:11

I've a recipe elsewhere on this site for something more like a Philly Cheese-Steak, but this is a lot quicker and easier to make, giving a very different sandwich

You can add red onions and even chopped tomato for simple variations

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Korean Egg Drop Sandwich Bites
2021-02-24 16:48

Egg Drop sandwiches went viral on Tiktok last year.

Rather than making one large sandwich, this recipe makes 6 smaller bitesize (well, 2 bites) sandwiches - useful if you're feeding someone smaller or the local shop only had small Brioche rolls in

Although Egg Drop is a breakfast franchise, these work perfectly well for lunch or a snack too.

If you want to add a little bit of a kick to the sauce, you can buy Sriracha online or in the supermarket

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Chicken Noodle Soup
2020-12-13 09:04

A quick and simple chicken noodle soup. You can also adjust flavours by serving with thinly sliced ginger, garlic, coriander etc, or by serving alongside some halved boiled eggs.

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Low Fat Tortilla Chips
2020-12-01 14:24

I was sent a video of @maxmccannpt on Tiktok making these, unfortunately in the video he doesn't actually say what temperature to put the oven at, so I had to wing it slightly

This recipe makes some low calorie Tortilla chips/crisps - they're passable (particularly with dip), just don't expect them to be a replacement for Tangy Cheese Doritos.

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Chocolate Chunk Cookies
2020-11-29 09:01

The pictured cookies are - at a stretch - in fact Christmas Chocolate Chunk Cookies as I used Cadbury Dairy Milk Winter Wonderland Edition to make them and popped one of the trees from it into the top of each cookie. Had I intended to make Xmas cookies then I should proabably have added cinnamon as well as the vanilla.

Chocolate chip cookies are all well and good, but you only get tiny chocolate hits - far better (IMO) to have big chunks of melted chocolate merging with the dough. I've used Cadbury's Dairy Milk as it's the chocolate of choice in our house, but this recipe should work with most chocolates, milk, dark or white.

It's a quick and easy recipe, and (depending on your oven) you may well have completed the initial steps slightly before your oven comes up to temperature

If you want to treat them as more of a dessert, do the prep before your meal - put in the oven just after the main, and then 10-15 mins later serve them hot with custard, cream or ice-cream

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Fish Finger Sandwich
2020-10-16 09:15

More filling than they sound, these make a quick/easy dinner or snack.

You can treat like a fish burger and garnish with mayo and salad, or more like a sandwich and top with other bits

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Cheese Steak Sandwich
2020-10-16 08:28

Thanks to the Fresh Prince, everyone's heard of a Philly Cheese-Steak, but you can't get those outside of Philadelphia, so this recipe doesn't claim to be one. What it is, is a tasty steak, onion and cheese sauce sandwich.

There are multiple variations you make, even down to how thickly you slice the steak pieces, either way, the cheese sauce can get quite messy if you put enough on (and you want there to be enough).

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Welsh Rarebit
2020-09-10 10:45

Cheese on toast is hard to beat, the only thing that could be better is mixing in some beer and egg

This Welsh Rarebit recipe adds in some Worcester sauce and paprika for additional flavour - you could use cayenne pepper instead/as well

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American Style Pancakes
2020-08-05 15:29

Americans like their pancakes more... cakey... than we do traditionally, but to be fair they taste pretty awesome when covered in syrup or honey. Although traditionally served at breakfast, they make a good dessert too.

They're quick and easy to make, although if your pans are small, you may want a couple of pans on the go at once so that you can make several pancakes at a time

The measurements here will make around 10 pancakes

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