Bacon and Egg Quesadillas

2020-11-17 15:21

An easy Mexican derived meal, using bacon and eggs for the filling.

Can be cooked for breakfast, or served as part of a larger meal

Cooking Time

Prep Cooking Total
10 mins 15 mins 25 mins


  • Pack of bacon
  • 4 large eggs
  • 4 Tortilla Wraps
  • 100g grated cheddar cheese
  • Jar of pickled jalapenos or some Tabasco (optional)
  • Cooking Oil


  1. Lightly fry the bacon until browned, then move onto a plate
  2. Cut the bacon into small pieces/strips (roughly bite-size) and divide into 4 equal piles
  3. Lay 2 Tortilla wraps out on plates/the worktop and sprinkle cheese over half of each
  4. Sprinkle a pile of bacon over each
  5. Heat some cooking oil in your pan
  6. Crack 2 eggs into the pan and fry them, flipping over to cook the yoke if you prefer
  7. Gently lift the eggs from the pan and then place one on each of the tortillas
  8. Sprinkle some more cheese over the top
  9. If you're using jalapenos/tabasco, sprinkle these in now
  10. Brush the edge of the tortillas with water, fold over and pinch the edges together to seal
  11. Now repeat this process with the remaining 2 tortillas and eggs
  12. You should now have 4 sets of tortillas
  13. Bring the pan back up to temperature
  14. If you want a fried-bread style flavour, add a little oil to the pan, otherwise leave it (relatively) dry
  15. Carefully place one of the tortillas in, cooking for a few minutes until crispy and hot, then flipping (toward the fold rather than the edge) to do the other side
  16. Repeat with the other 3
  17. Serve hot, either on their own or alongside a salad