Posts about breakfast

Posts about breakfast

Cinnamon Roll French Toast
2022-07-05 15:14

Someone I follow on Twitter tweeted about making these and provided a link to the original recipe. I love cinnamon swirls but hate waiting for pastry to prove, so figured I'd give them a go.

This recipe amends the original in a few small ways * Uses SI for measurements * Adjusts the sugar ratio a bit * Does the prep first

They work really well - I was a little dubious of the inclusion of egg to begin with, but it helps the bread maintain it's shape and the other flavours drown out the egg flavour.

If you want them to look really nice, you'll need to pipe the icing on - or if you're like me, just splat it on with a spoon

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Breakfast Burrito
2021-07-28 10:54

This recipe makes 4 breakfast burritos - whether that's serving 4 people or 1 is up to you.

For efficiency, the bacon and sausages are done in the oven (it's being warmed to do the tomatoes anyway), but obviously you could pan fry them instead.

One thing to note - if you like your teeth, you're aiming for the bacon to be cooked properly - soft and chewy, not american style bacon glass

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Bacon and Egg Quesadillas
2020-11-17 15:21

An easy Mexican derived meal, using bacon and eggs for the filling.

Can be cooked for breakfast, or served as part of a larger meal

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American Style Pancakes
2020-08-05 15:29

Americans like their pancakes more... cakey... than we do traditionally, but to be fair they taste pretty awesome when covered in syrup or honey. Although traditionally served at breakfast, they make a good dessert too.

They're quick and easy to make, although if your pans are small, you may want a couple of pans on the go at once so that you can make several pancakes at a time

The measurements here will make around 10 pancakes

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McDonalds Hash Brown
2020-04-06 09:51

McDonalds closed all of it's restaurants as part of the Coronavirus response. However, they've shared a recipe card with The Mirror so that we can make their Sausage and Egg McMuffin at home - as an added "bonus" they included instructions to make a hash brown to go on the side.

Depending on the size of your potato, this will make several

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Sausage and Egg McMuffin
2020-04-06 09:47

McDonalds closed all of it's restaurants as part of the Coronavirus response. However, they've shared a recipe card with The Mirror so that we can make their Sausage and Egg McMuffin at home.

They've also shared a recipe for a Hash Brown so that we can have one of those on the side.

It's probably the simplest of their recipes that they could have shared, and does seem to taste pretty close to what you get in one of their branches (though, unsurprisingly, isn't nearly as convenient to make as it is to order). The only thing I really found is that it's hard to make the patty's as thin as they do, meaning you can't easily build a double sausage and egg mcmuffin

The recipe makes 1 - just multiply the measurements by the number you want to make

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