Posts about slow cooker

Posts about slow cooker

Slow Cooked Beef Joint
2023-11-09 09:11

We were supposed to have roast beef recently, but when the day came around I didn't really feel like cooking, so we had a much simpler meal. That, though, left us with a joint of beef that needed using during the week

I decided to slow cook it. I did all the preparation one evening, kept it in the fridge overnight and then turned the slow cooker on at around lunch time.

This can be served with things like boiled potatoes, roast potatoes or even air-fried new potatoes.

This recipe takes a BBC Good Food recipe and adjusts timings and proportions to serve more (with air-fried potatoes, we found it served 4) and achieve a more moist and tender joint.

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Slow Cooked Pulled Pork Ragu
2021-08-02 11:44

An easy pulled pork recipe - it's low on fat/carbs and high in protein so fits anyone on a Paleo type diet.

Diet or not, it's tasty and low effort.

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Slow Cooker Thai-Style Chicken Curry
2020-10-27 09:41

I struggle with many Thai curries because they tend to have fish oil added, and I can't stand even the slightest hint of seafood. This simple recipe gives a fragrant, Thai-Style curry without that problem (though you can add it if you miss it)

If you want to add a bit more of a punch, and some chilli's to the ingredient list

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Slow cooked chicken casserole
2020-10-15 10:53

A simple chicken casserole, very much build and forget. Slow cooking leads to most meat that just falls apart

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Slow Cooked Pork Loin
2020-10-12 09:19

This pot-roast pork loin comes out moist and succulent. It's not quite a replacement for a proper oven roast, but is a good meal in it's own right, and with much less effort going into timings.

The joint is cooked in the oven for the last 40 minutes in order to give some nice crispy edges, along with some crackling. This is a perfect cue to also set some potatoes and parsnips roasting. Set some veg steaming 20 mins before the end, so you can serve all at once.

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Slow Cooked Shepherds Pie
2020-02-05 17:25

I love Cottage Pie and Shephards pie. But a slow-cooked version of them leads to much, much softer mince and makes the house smell awesome all day

Out of convenience, this recipe uses a couple of Shepherds Pie spice sachets - you can make the mix up using herbs and flour if you'd prefer. One thing to note though, is that you should under-provision the water - unlike cooking in the oven, the sauce won't reduce down in a slow cooker, so it needs to be about the right consistency from the outset.

Unlike when you cook it in the oven, the top of the potato doesn't crisp up (you can put it under the grill for a bit if you'll miss that), but the edge of the potato layer does.

If you're feeling adventurous you can also add mixed beans to this, or outright swap the lamb for Beef and make a Cottage pie instead.

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Slowcooked Lamb Shoulder
2019-05-09 17:53

This lamb should ends up succulent and delicate, falling apart easily.

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