Posts about drink

Posts about drink

Rhubarb Gin
2023-06-24 10:25

Seasonable Rhubarb works well in crumble but can also be used to add flavour to Gin.

Sugar is used to help draw juices out of the rhubarb, so the flavour is more like the Rhubarb in a rhubarb and custard sweet than in a sharper crumble.

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JD and Coke Ice Lollies
2022-04-18 18:47

Every one loves an ice-lolly (popsicle for the americans), and there's only one thing better on a hot day: a boozy ice-lolly

The basic principle is make a drink, sweeten and then freeze it.

The variations are never-ending: * Pimms and Lemonade * Gin and Tonic * Brandy and coke * Southern Comfort and Lemonade

You will find, though, that lollies made with a sweet mixer will tend to flake a bit more

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Butterscotch Iced Coffee
2021-05-31 10:07

Iced coffee costs a fortune buying from the supermarket, but ahead of a hot day you can trivially make it with just a few (cheap) ingredients.

This recipe uses butterscotch flavour golden syrup to add flavour, but you can easily substitute that for other flavourings - using other golden syrup flavours, or flavoured coffee shots

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Apple Iced Tea
2021-05-30 08:40

Traditionally, iced tea is lemon or peach, but on a hot day it works well with other flavours too. Alternatively, you can leave out the apple and add a couple of sliced lemons.

Can easily be modified to taste - less sugar brings the tea flavour out more.

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Mulled Apple Juice
2020-12-24 08:43

A tasty, warming non-alcoholic alternative to mulled wine.

There are a number of variations you can make to this recipe

  • To make alcoholic, use cider instead, and/or add a few shots of brandy
  • Skip the hob and put the mix into a slow cooker, leaving it to warm for a few hours - people can then serve themselves, and the flavour will only get better over time
  • For the truly dedicated, chop an apple the night before, coat it in ground cinnamon and leave it to marinate in the fridge overnight. Add to the pan

If you've a (clean) pair spare, you may want to put the cloves/orange peel into a tied off ankle tight - it saves trying to fish cloves out of your mug. Otherwise, you end up serving through a sieve

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2019-09-19 10:16

It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so thought I might be posting a piratey recipe.

What could be more piratey than Grog? The name's not very descriptive in itself, but it's basically a limey sugary rum - they used to make it to help stretch their rum rations out a bit. Lime juice probably helped reduce the risk of scurvy too.

This isn't the same as "Navy Grog" which is a cocktail invented in the 1940s, and contains 3 different rums, 2 differnt juices, soda water and honey syrup. This be pirate grog

If you don't have a cocktail shaker (I don't), you can just use a (clean) empty jam jar or similar instead - basically as long as the lid seals, it'll work

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