Spinach, Bacon and Cheese Quiche

2019-05-15 10:47

If youre going to eat Spinach, in my opinion, the only acceptable way to do so is in a quiche.

If you want a lower fat recipe, you can substitute:

  • Milk with skimmed milk
  • Cheese with low fat cheese
  • Ham instead of bacon
  • Cream with creme fraiche

You can also trivially make your own pastry for this if you're willing to spend a little extra time

Cooking Time

Prep Cooking Total
20 mins 30 mins 50 mins


  • 2tbsp Hemp Oil (or Olive Oil)
  • 250g Spinach
  • 6 Rashers Bacon
  • 1 large Onion
  • 110g cheddar cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 150ml single cream
  • 150ml milk
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg (Optional)
  • 1 Roll Ready Roll Shortcrust Pastry


  1. Roll the pastry out and use it to line a 25cm flan case (a cake tin will do if you don't have a flan case)
  2. Set the Oven pre-heating to 180c (Gas mark 4)
  3. Cube the bacon
  4. Finely chop the Onion
  5. Grate the cheese
  6. Put the 2tbsp of oil into a frying pan and start heating it
  7. Add the spinach to the pan and keep turning over until it has wilted
  8. Empty the spinach into a colander and leave to drain
  9. Lightly fry the bacon and onion, then set aside to allow it cool
  10. Place the bacon, onion and spinach into the flan case - distribute it reasonably evenly
  11. Add the grated cheese, distributing well across the case
  12. Beat together the eggs, milk and cream, and lightly season with some salt and pepper
  13. Pour into the flane case and (optionally) sprinkle with a little nutmeg
  14. Bake for 30-35 mins
  15. When removing from the oven, push a knife into the centre and make sure it comes out relatively clean
  16. Can be served warm, or allowed to cool first.