Posts about rice

Posts about rice

Sweet Sticky Pork Chops
2019-09-20 07:52

I'm a fairly recent convert to having pork chops on rice, but when they're drenched in a good sauce it works really, really well

This recipe gives a sweet sticky sauce with a very slight hint of spice, while being really quick and easy to make - theres no prep and you can make it in 2 pans, one for the rice, one for the pork.

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Microwave Rice Cooker
2019-05-22 08:52

A little while ago, I bought one of these Microwave rice-cookers. It saves a bit of time and hassle, and a lot of energy compared to boiling rice on the hob.

The only real downside, really, is in trying not to lose the booklet which gives the cooking timing, so for ease of reference they're detailed in this page

| Grain                           | Grain Amount | Water | Time   | Resting Time |
|                                 | (cup)        | (cup) | (mins) | (mins)       |
| Couscous                        |             |      | 2      | 0            |
| Couscous                        |             |      | 2      | 0            |
| Couscous                        |             |      | 2      | 0            |
| Couscous                        | 1            | 1     | 2      | 0            |
| Quinoa                          |             | 1     | 10     | 1            |
| Quinoa                          |             | 1     | 11     | 1            |
| Quinoa                          |             | 1     | 12     | 1            |
| Quinoa                          | 1            | 2     | 13     | 1            |
| Long grain rice                 |             | 1     | 10     | 3            |
| Long grain rice                 |             | 1    | 10     | 3            |
| Long grain rice                 |             | 1    | 11     | 3            |
| Long grain rice                 | 1            | 2     | 11     | 3            |
| Long grain rice                 | 2            | 4    | 14     | 3            |
| Long grain rice                 | 3            | 5     | 16     | 3            |
| Orzo whole wheat pasta          |             | 1     | 12     | 0            |
| Short grain rice                |             | 1     | 12     | 0            |
| Short grain rice                |             | 2     | 13     | 0            |
| Minute white rice (Whole grain) | 1            | 1     | 6      | 0            |

The cup referred to in the measurement table is the 200ml plastic cup that comes with the cooker (i.e. it's smaller than a US cup)

For a slightly saner measurement, 1/4 cup of short grain rice weighs in at 45 grams. 1/2 cup at 90g

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