Posts about pastry

Posts about pastry

The Coronation Quiche
2023-05-07 09:19

The Coronation Quiche recipe was created for the coronation of King Charles

It's a light quiche with flavours of Spinach, broad beans and tarragon.

This recipe amends the original to make it a little more convenient to make, using ingredients that are more readibly available.

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Turkey Samosas
2020-01-31 08:53

I was in the mood to make something a little different, so I had a go at creating Samosas.

The cooking aspect of them is simple enough, but I clearly wasn't designed to fold filo pastry - it takes a bit of care, and I was convinced that the triangles were going to split in the oven. It turns out though, it doesn't need quite as much care as I assumed.

These samosas use turkey but it should work fine with pretty much any mince - just need to make sure it's lean mince (or that you drain it) otherwise the pastry is likely to get a bit soggy.

A low fat cooking spray is required, not for health reasons so much as because you use it as a sort of glue. Brushing oil instead should work fine, but takes a bit longer.

Can be served as a main, side or snack.

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Homemade Pasties
2019-05-28 15:49

I love pasties, so I thought I'd take a shot at making my own.

We ate ours hot out of the oven with chips and veg.

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