Posts about butterscotch

Posts about butterscotch

Butterscotch and gingerbread biscuits
2021-07-14 12:59

This recipe makes gingerbread biscuits with a subtle mix of flavours.

The gingerbread is rolled a little thicker so that you get a nice crumbly inside - if you want thin and crunchy then when rolling out aim for about 0.5cm thickness.

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Butterscotch Iced Coffee
2021-05-31 10:07

Iced coffee costs a fortune buying from the supermarket, but ahead of a hot day you can trivially make it with just a few (cheap) ingredients.

This recipe uses butterscotch flavour golden syrup to add flavour, but you can easily substitute that for other flavourings - using other golden syrup flavours, or flavoured coffee shots

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