Posts about burger

Posts about burger

Carrot and Cumin Bean Burgers
2019-07-18 13:28

I've been experimenting with making meals without meat in them, the idea being that we could (once or twice a week) potentially have a meatless meal - bringing food costs down, as well as introducing a bit more nutrition variety.

This is a slightly amended version of Jack Monroe's "Carrot, Cumin Kidney Bean Burgers". In the original recipe, the Cumin does most of the flavouring work, and we just felt like it was missing something...

In the photo, they're served in a pitta bread with tomato chutney and mixed leaf salad - Also had wedges on the side.

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Bacon and Leek Burgers
2019-05-09 15:41

There's not much that's better than a well-made burger, and with a bit of practice they taste best when you've made your own

This recipe will make 8 medium burgers

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