Posts about alcohol (old posts, page 1)

Posts about alcohol (old posts, page 1)

Raspberry Cocktail
2019-05-09 16:00

I'm not entirely sure where I got this recipe, but Sainsbury's do a nice Presse

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Vodka Jelly Babies
2019-05-09 15:55

An easy to make party favourite, for an added twist use Chilli Vodka

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Chilli Vodka
2019-05-09 15:52

A spicy twist on the traditional favourite. Don't use cheap/poor Vodka, but also don't risk ruining good Vodka, use something mid-range

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Mulled Wine Sorbet
2019-05-09 15:01

Works well whether you mull your own wine or buy pre-bottled. Generally tastes better if you do it yourself though! Either way, it goes really well with mince pies

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