Fish Pie

2020-01-29 17:59

I really don't like fish, but I'm in a serious minority in my family. Fish Pie is quite quick and easy to make, and doesn't really need any taste-tests along the way

I think the idea of adding peas to the mash was originally Jamie Oliver's, but I may be misattributing

Cooking Time

Prep Cooking Total
20 mins 70 mins 90 mins


  • 1kg Potatoes
  • 1 lemon
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 400g frozen peas
  • large tin sweet corn
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • olive oil
  • 500ml milk
  • 300g frozen salmon fillets
  • 200g frozen white fish fillets
  • 125g frozen cooked prawns
  • 65g plain flour
  • 100g frozen spinach
  • 1 tsp english mustard
  • 40g grated cheddar cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to 180c
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into quarters
  3. Put into a large pan, fill with water and start boiling
  4. Cut the lemon in half and juice one half of it
  5. Peel and chop the carrots and onions
  6. When the spuds are ready drain them and return them to the pan
  7. Put half the peas in a colander and pour boiling water over them to defrost
  8. Add them to the pan with the potaotes
  9. Mash the potato and peas
  10. Set to one side
  11. Put the carrots, onions and some oil in a large ovenproof pan and cook for 15 mins until they've softened
  12. In another pan heat the milk on a medium heat
  13. Once milk is simmering add all the frozen fish fillets
  14. Simmer for around 10 mins then use spoon/spatula to remove the fillets (put them on a plate)
  15. Remove the milk pan from the heat
  16. Stir the flour into the carrots and onion
  17. Gradually add the milk, stirring as you do so to avoid lumps
  18. Stir in the spinach
  19. Add the fish (removing any skin from the fillets if it has it), sort of flaking it as you go
  20. Add the prawns
  21. Add the mustard
  22. Add the lemon juice and the remainder of the peas
  23. Add the sweetcorn
  24. Add the cheese
  25. Stir gently to combine it all into a sauce
  26. If a seperate dish is to be used for the oven, pour the mix into that dish now
  27. Top with the mashed potatoe, scuff the top slightly to get some crispy peaks
  28. Bake in the oven for 35 mins