Posts about biscuit

Posts about biscuit

Chocolate Chunk Cookies
2020-11-29 09:01

The pictured cookies are - at a stretch - in fact Christmas Chocolate Chunk Cookies as I used Cadbury Dairy Milk Winter Wonderland Edition to make them and popped one of the trees from it into the top of each cookie. Had I intended to make Xmas cookies then I should proabably have added cinnamon as well as the vanilla.

Chocolate chip cookies are all well and good, but you only get tiny chocolate hits - far better (IMO) to have big chunks of melted chocolate merging with the dough. I've used Cadbury's Dairy Milk as it's the chocolate of choice in our house, but this recipe should work with most chocolates, milk, dark or white.

It's a quick and easy recipe, and (depending on your oven) you may well have completed the initial steps slightly before your oven comes up to temperature

If you want to treat them as more of a dessert, do the prep before your meal - put in the oven just after the main, and then 10-15 mins later serve them hot with custard, cream or ice-cream

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